From January 3 to February 14, Pastor Stuart Spencer preaches a series of sermons called, “What a Wonderful World” based on the 7 days of creation. These sermons will provide a reflection on the ever-present wonder and mystery of all that God created. “God has created the world of space and time to be the sphere of God’s dealings with humankind. In its beauty and vastness, sublimity and awfulness, order and disorder, the world reflects to the eye of faith the majesty and mystery of its Creator.” (Confession of 1967)

Day 6: A Wonderful World and You Belong In It

Sunday, February 14, 2021
Genesis 1: 24-31
Guest Rev. Luke Maxted Preaching


Day 7: A Wonderful World for Rest

Sunday, February 7, 2021
Scripture Genesis 2: 1-4
Rev. Stuart Spencer preaching
Congregational Meeting following at 11:00 am via Zoom
(due to inclement weather our sermon and Pastor preaching was changed)


Day 5: A Wonderful, Living World

Sunday, January 31. 2021
Scripture Genesis 1: 20-23
Rev. Stuart Spencer preaching


Day 4: A Wonderful, Balanced World

Sunday, January 24, 2021
Scripture Genesis 1: 14-19
Rev. Stuart Spencer preaching


Day 3: A Wonderful, Fruitful World

Sunday, January 17, 2021
Scripture Genesis 1: 9-13
Rev. Stuart Spencer preaching


Day 2: A Wonderful, Awesome World

Sunday, January 10. 2021
Scripture Genesis 1: 6-8
Rev. Stuart Spencer preaching


Day 1: A Wonderful, Light-Filled World

Sunday, January 3, 2021
Scripture Genesis 1: 1-5
Rev. Stuart Spencer preaching



“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7: 14
Join Pastor Stuart Spencer on Thursdays for a day of full or partial fasting. However or whenever you fast on Thursdays, be sure to participate in our Evening Prayer service at 7:00 pm. If you are unable to fast for medical reasons, plan to make Thursday a special day of prayer for yourself, our church and our nation. Let’s get started!
Prior to attending an approved worship service, meeting, small group, rehearsal or any gathering on the church campus we are asking each of our members and visitors to complete ONE waiver form and ONE health screening questionnaire for EACH member or visitor. You may find online and printable forms here…