Our Services


Sunday Services

  • Traditional 9:00 am, Sanctuary
  • Contemporary 11:00 am, Miller Commons
Both are in-person and are streamed online.

Thursday Prayer and Praise 

  • 7:00 pm (a 15-minute service with music, scripture, and a time to pray – online only)


Blended Sunday Worship

On very special Sundays throughout the year we offer a combined, blended worship service in our Sanctuary 9:30 am.  We blend our Traditional and Contemporary services, with hymns and contemporary praise songs, to bring all of our congregation together for a special worship service. Watch your church calendar for notice of our blended Sunday worship service.

Special Services

Throughout the year, we hold services that in some way may be a bit different from our Traditional or Contemporary worship. Our Special Services page will give you the opportunity to revisit those services and, for those who have not yet joined us, you will have the opportunity to see just one more way in which FPC Moorestown is a very ‘special’ place to worship!