
“Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” – Romans 15:7


As people who have experienced the merciful welcome of Jesus Christ, we belong to Him and to one another.
We welcome you to our website and hope you will find answers here.
You are always welcome to contact us for more information. 
856.235.1688 * office@fpcmoorestown.org * LET’S GET CONNECTED

I’m New

We invite you to visit us, meet new friends, hear the word of God, and see what Jesus is doing in our world of faith. We worship together at an in-person worship service and online via live stream. Please join us for our Sunday service, 9:00 am Traditional worship service and 11:00 am Contemporary worship service, and our Thursday evening prayer service, 7:00 pm online. Our activities and opportunities to join in fellowship are brought to you through Zoom and in-person. Remember to check back often to learn about, and sign up for, our many opportunities to worship, connect, serve, and devote.  

Our Vision

We aspire to be beacons of God’s love and truth, growing together in faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Mission is to:

  • Worship God faithfully
  • Connect Spiritually
  • Serve Christ locally and globally

This is Why

We follow the Great Commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind … [and] you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Matthew 22:37,39 NRSV

The 25 Ways

The 25 “Ways” we live by are based on God’s word, the Bible.  We use them to aid us in becoming people who reflect God’s image.  There is a different way to follow each week.
WAY #1
God is first, others are second, and you’re third. Don’t just think about yourself, your own interests, but be interested in others. Don’t think less of yourself, just think of yourself less and others more.
WAY #2
Speak honestly and directly in a way that clearly reflects love and support for one another. Be courageous enough to say what needs to be said, even when it’s difficult.
WAY #3
Be quick to listen and do so with your undivided attention.  Minimize the distractions and let go of the need to agree or disagree.  Suspend your judgement and be curious…
WAY #4
Show gratitude and appreciation by regularly acknowledging the good works you see everywhere.  Look for signs of spiritual growth and maturity…
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WAY #5
Decide to trust that other members are being fair, honest, and concerned for the well-being of our church. Set aside your own judgments and preconceived notions.
WAY #6
Just as God forgives us, heal relationships by extending forgiveness graciously and generously. Forgive everyone everything. Start by praying for those you resent or hate.
WAY #7
We’re all one in Christ; so thank God that, like parts of the human body, we’re not all the same. Be open to learning from others, regardless of their age, background, experience…
WAY #8
Life is full of unexpected problems and needs, large and small. Pay attention to moments when God calls you to action, no matter how ordinary or extraordinary the situation…
WAY #9
Ask first for God’s guidance and blessing in everything you do. Through prayer, ask for wisdom and for God’s will to be done. Pray for others as well, that God’s love and mercy…
WAY #10
Work as a team. Collaborate with each other, our professional staff, our lay leaders, and our congregants to find the best solutions. Collaboration lightens the load, generates better…
WAY #11
Warmly welcome newcomers and visitors. Offer your name with a smile. Reach out and greet the person you don’t know after worship, during Coffee Hour, in Youth Group or Sunday…
WAY #12
The work of the church isn’t defined by pastors and staff alone; it comes from each member actively participating in the life of Jesus Christ. Claim ownership of FPCM’s mission…
WAY #13
Encourage others to step into leadership by sharing responsibilities and mentoring. Let go of the jobs you’ve always done and allow new leaders…
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WAY #14
Take advantage of every chance you have to form your faith—through small groups, classes, and personal study. Be a disciple and look to learn from those who know more of the Bible…
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WAY #15
Be curious about new ideas, perspectives, and approaches. Get excited by the possibilities that change can bring. What worked in the past won’t always work in the future, for God…
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WAY #16
Rejoice, you get to give! Think of giving as a privilege rather than an obligation, a joy instead of a burden. As you consider all that’s been entrusted to you—time, abilities and money—ask…
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WAY #17
Our church is for “real” people. Bring your true self, your joys, your sorrows, your fears, your strengths and your weaknesses. God loves you as you are. Don’t hide your struggles, failures…
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WAY #18
Part of being a real and authentic member of the church is to acknowledge your weaknesses and to be willing to ask for God’s help and the support of others.
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WAY #19
God’s love opens the doors of our church to all people. Just as Jesus did, welcome people as they are. It’s not up to us to judge. Love unconditionally…
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WAY #20
At FPCM, you’re loved and valued. Claim us as your family. Rather than withdrawing, allowstruggles and disappointments to deepen your sense of belonging.
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WAY #21
We’re blessed to be a blessing. God intends to use you to bless, heal, restore, and liberate a dark and hurting world. We’re here for others: our families, our community, and the world.
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WAY #22
Make time in your week to step back from work, school, and stressful demands. Since Christ has freed us, we no longer have to be obsessively driven. Take a walk, play, nap, meet up…
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WAY #23
Your life is meant to be an act of worship. Every breath, action, and thought flows from God and can bring Him glory. Praise God everywhere and embrace…
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WAY #24
God has done and is doing something unique in your life. Has God answered a prayer, provided help, or blessed you? Share it. Ask God for opportunities to share your…
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WAY #25
The Kingdom of God is a party! Let healthy laughter fill our meetings, our meals, and even our worship. Let the joy of our faith be clearly evident in our speech and on our faces.
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Discipleship at FPC Moorestown.

Did you realize that the word “Christian” only appears three times in the New Testament while the word “disciple” appears more than two-hundred and fifty times? Not once did Jesus ever speak the word “Christian.” Disciple may well be the biblical designation of choice for those who follow Jesus.
What does it mean to you to be a Disciple of Jesus?  Are you a Disciple or a Fan?  Visit our Becoming Disciples page to learn more.

We are a connectional church.

Our congregation is part of the Presbyterian (USA) (PC USA) family. In part, this means that each congregation and each Session is accountable to the larger church through the presbytery. We are one of 54 churches in the Presbytery of West Jersey. This accountability is expressed in requirements for annual reporting and review of Session records. Our presbytery is one of 22 in the Synod of the Northeast, one of 22 synods in the General Assembly of PC USA. Persons ordained by one presbytery or Session are ordained in the whole church. We support and pray for each other. Those elected as ruling elders to serve on their Sessions may also be called upon to serve as commissioners to presbytery, synod or General Assembly.

Leadership Boards

The Presbyterian Church (USA), abbreviated PC(USA), is a mainline Protestant Christian denomination in the United States. A part of the Reformed tradition, it is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States, and is known for its relatively progressive stance on doctrine. Leadership is the church is delegated to:

In the PC (USA) form of church government, ruling elders are elected by the congregation; and they constitute, along with any teaching elders (ministers of the Word and Sacrament) called by the church), the Session of that church. FPC Moorestown has 18 serving elders.
Very few decisions are made by single individuals and very few decisions are made by vote of a congregation. Most decisions for the life of our congregation are made by the Session, who represent the church membership.  LEARN MORE
The Session delegates some responsibilities to the 11 trustees of the church. These generally include church financial and legal affairs. The Session sets the budget and the trustees monitor it, along with the stewardship committee of Session. The trustees claim the first line of responsibility for church facilities as well. LEARN MORE
The Book of Order calls ordained deacons to a ministry of “compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress” (G-2.0201). FPC Moorestown currently has 24 deacons. LEARN MORE


Please feel free to contact any of our staff members at 856.235.1688 or email office@fpcmoorestown.org
Reverend Stuart Spencer, Pastor/Head of Staff
Reverend Wes Allen, Associate Pastor and Contemporary Worship Leader
Holly Asciutto, Director of Family and Children’s Ministries
Sam Caraballo, Property Staff
Angel Contreras, Property Staff
Amy Delgado, Director, Step by Step Christian Preschool
Earl Gage, Director of Administration
Dave Fauvell (PT), Director of Youth Ministries
Kathy Gunsallus (PT), Associate Director of Music
Kristi Illum (PT), Administrative Assistant, Preschool
Linda Jagiela, Director of Outreach
Joel Krott, Director of Music
Jan Martin, Office Manager/Admin. Assistant, Pastor
Ann McBride, Clerk of Session
Alison Mackey, Administrative Assistant
Steve Margerum, Property Supervisor
Sam Scheibe (PT), Music Intern
Norman Vandergrift, Accounting Manager

Our History

First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown has a long and storied history. Today a growing, thriving congregation of approximately 1,100, it was officially organized on September 12, 1888, by a small group of Presbyterian residents who constructed the first building on Chester Avenue.

As expansion needs dictated, after World War II leaders purchased the 23-acre Collins property at 101 Bridgeboro Road where the church campus is now located. The sanctuary was designed by historic restoration specialist Edwin Brumbaugh and dedicated in 1956. A large Christian education facility was built in 1962. The structural focal point of the building remains the Collins home, which current church-goers still enjoy today.
In May 2018, Rev. Stuart Spencer was called to lead FPC Moorestown as pastor/head of staff after serving 22 years at Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church in New Hope, Pa. He appreciates serving this loving, welcoming family of faith that offers people a place of belonging and transformation.
Under his leadership the congregation has outlined and engaged “25 Ways of Creating a Loving Culture” based on God’s word. These are not rules or laws to be obeyed, rather ways to train, remind, and encourage one anther to be the church.
He says, “God has given me the gift of encouragement and I’m on the lookout for signs of God’s grace in the lives of our members. I see God doing so much in and through this amazing FPC Moorestown congregation.”
On September 30, 2021, Rev. Wes Allen joined FPC Moorestown as our Associate Pastor. As Pastor Allen said in his message to the congregation, “Over the last 2 ½ years, your Associate Pastor Nominating Committee has worked tirelessly, in the midst of a global pandemic no less, to identify a candidate with a shared vision for the church and gifts to make those dreams a reality. Over the course of several conversations via Zoom, it became clear that my gifts matched the needs of the church and the church’s gifts matched my needs as a minister.”
A member of Presbyterian Church USA and part of the West Jersey Presbytery, the congregation welcomes people of all ages to worship, learn, and serve with them. They faithfully strive to follow the Great Commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind … [and] you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37, 39 NRSV
As the years and staff members come and go, the church’s vision remains: “We aspire to be beacons of God’s love and truth, growing together in faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.”
FPC Moorestown FAQ
Q1: What shall we expect when worshiping in the sanctuary and Miller Commons?
We now offer a complete in-person and live stream worship service, with music, sermon, liturgy, prayer, at 9:00 am (Traditional in the Sanctuary) and 11:00 am (Contemporary in Miller Commons) each Sunday and an online Praise and Prayer worship service on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. We are able to welcome members and friends to in-person worship inside our beautiful church building. 
Q2: How many members belong to the church?
We have approximately 1,100 members.
Q3: What is the age breakdown of the members?
We have 150 members age 25 and under; 219 members 26 to 40 years of age; 210 members ages 41 to 55; 290 members ages 56 to 70; and 209 members over 70 years of age.
Q4: What fellowship groups might interest me?
We have activities for all ages, interests, and skill sets. These include choirs, circle meetings, book groups, mission opportunities, social gatherings, classes, visiting “experts,” sewing and craft gatherings, fun groups for children and youth, and more. As you look around this website, you’ll get an idea of the opportunities available to you.
Q5: Are there opportunities for me to share my gifts and help others?
We have long been known for our many outreach activities and mission services. Take a look at our long list of opportunities to get an idea of the work we do here at FPC Moorestown.  VISIT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES (SERVICE PLEDGE FORM) HERE
Q6: Tell me about your Sunday School.
We have classes for all ages and they average nearly 30 children in each grade from Kindergarten through sixth, and around 40 in each grade from 7 through 12. We also have interesting and active classes for young adults and people over age 25. 
Q7: Do you have any large annual projects?
We have a wonderful, fun family Strawberry Festival and a huge rummage sale. We host beautiful concerts, often partnering with the West Jersey Chamber Music Society. We welcome expert speakers to our forums. Many are fund-raising, some are free and all are friend-raising activities.
Q8: What is your annual mission budget?
Our annual mission expenses are approximately $468,000.
Q9: What can you tell me about your music program?
Look on this website under “Music” to learn about some of the choirs and activities we’ve offered. You can also hear some of the music we’ve enjoyed.
Q10: What sets your church apart from others?
Each church has a “culture.” We’ve been following an initiative we’ve developed named “25 Ways to a Loving Culture.” We believe that when we follow these ways, we are demonstrating our commitment to the Great Commandment, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your mind… [and] you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Become a Member

If you are interested in joining the church, please speak with Rev. Stuart Spencer, Pastor/Head of Staff or Rev. Wes Allen, Associate Pastor.

If you think membership is the right next step for you, we offer Inquirers’ classes for adult membership information and instruction.  

Legacy Giving

We recognize and honor those who have created a legacy here at First Presbyterian Church through their bequests gifts, both large and small.

These donations, benefiting our programs and services, ministries, beautiful grounds and property, and our impact in the world, make an enduring statement of faith for God’s work here on earth.  LEGACY GIVING

Cemetery Online

The beautiful grounds of our cemetery offer a peaceful place to visit and honor loved ones who have passed.  Please use our online records search and map to locate your friend or family member. ONLINE CEMETERY SEARCH



We are ‘open’ to welcome you on Sundays at 9:00 am to a Traditional Worship Service held in our Sanctuary and 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Service held in Miller Commons. We offer a live stream Prayer Service on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm. You can access all of our services through our live stream page from the comfort of your home.
First Presbyterian Church
PO Box 868
101 Bridgeboro Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057