Lent 2024


The 40 Days of Lent

A season of special opportunities and experiences for 2024

Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. (Mark 8: 34 NLT)

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 pm, Miller Commons
Our worship service includes the Imposition of Ashes and Communion as we begin the Season of Lent. Rev. Stuart Spencer preaches.
There will be no Kingdom Kids, Crossing Zone or Family Dinner so that families may attend the worship service together. School Youth Group will meet and attend the Ash Wednesday service.

Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 24
One Great Hour of Sharing offering. As is our tradition, in Sunday School or at the Ash Wednesday service, children may pick up a Lenten Fish Box or coin bank for “One Great Hour of Sharing” offering as a means of charitable giving during Lent. Completed fish boxes will be collected during both Palm Sunday services on Sunday, March 24th. Pew envelopes for One Great Hour of Sharing will also be available.

Holy Week Worship Services 


Maundy Thursday

Thursday, March 28, 7:00 pm, Miller Commons
On Maundy Thursday, we present “O Glorious Day,” a shadow play. Our narrator tells the story of Holy Week through Easter while the scenes are acted out by shadows projected on a screen.FPC Moorestown’s Alex Wilkie will be directing.

Good Friday Tenebrae Worship

Friday, March 29, 7:30 pm, Sanctuary
At 7:30 pm in our sanctuary, we will present our Good Friday Tenebrae Service which moves us from light into dark on the day of the crucifixion. Tenebrae comes from the Latin meaning “darkness” and uses diminishing light by extinguishing candles to symbolize the events from Palm Sunday to Jesus’ burial. The service concludes in darkness and silence. Rev. Wes Allen leads.

Easter Worship – He Is Risen!

Sunday, March 31
  • Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 am, Cemetery Cross
  • Easter 9:00 am Traditional Worship Service, Sanctuary
  • Easter 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Service, Miller Commons
Nursery Care will be offered. NO Adult Spiritual Formation or Children’s Sunday School.

Special Services and Prayer


Praying the Bible with Rev. Spencer

Thursdays in Lent, Rev. Stuart Spencer leads a Zoom Lectio Divina from 6:30-7:00 pm on March 7, 14, 21, 28.
No sign up needed, just join us via Zoom. 
Topic: My Meeting Praying the Bible Study
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 821 5587 3927
Praying the Bible or Lectio Divina, is an ancient form of contemplative prayer. Lectio Divina or “sacred reading” is a way to pray by using the words of the Bible. In this form of prayer, participants read or listen to a passage of Scripture as if it were speaking directly, personally to them.
In faith, we trust that the Holy Spirit will speak to us in the most personal way as we pay attention to God’s Word. This spiritual practice is a form of biblical meditation.
For more background on Lectio Divina, visit this page from the Pray as You Go website.
One resource Pastor Spencer use is the website or app called Pray As You Go. This site offers a daily, guided meditation on a biblical passage using music. Meditations are usually about 12 minutes.  

Lenten Studies


Join a Lenten Study Group

“Meeting Jesus at the Table”

This year our small group study will be “Meeting Jesus at the Table.” The study begins Ash Wednesday week February 11, and explores numerous instances where Jesus shares a meal with his disciples, friends, tax collectors, and even Pharisees. Eight insightful chapters provide a deep dive into biblical narratives, and offer thought-provoking queries and personal and group reflection. As we consider what it means to “Grow the Kingdom,” this study will help us reflect on Christ’s personal invitation to each one of us through the Sacrament of Communion, our response to this invitation and Christ’s challenge to be discipleship minded Christians who, in turn, go out and make disciples.

Sign up for a Small Group Study

Our 8-week study, beginning the week of February 11, promises to be a meaningful and enriching journey as we explore the profound connections between Jesus and the act of sharing meals.
OR contact Alison Mackey in the church office: (856) 235-1688, Ext. 113 or amackey@fpcmoorestown.org.
For general questions, contact Wes Allen at wallen@fpcmoorestown.org or (856) 235-1688 x 101.

Special Dates and Offerings


Lent Mission: February Food Drive

Throughout February, we are hosting a food drive for the Ministerium pantry at St. Matthew Lutheran Church. The need for food is dire in our community. Please take our challenge to bring three food items every time you come to FPC Moorestown for church, meetings, rehearsals or fellowship. Help us address food insecurity here in Moorestown. See our Church Center event page and website for a list of suggested items to bring.

Children’s Easter Celebration

Saturday, March 23, 10:30 am
The Children’s Easter Celebration will be Saturday, March 23 from 10:30-11:30 am, and OUTSIDE (weather permitting). Celebrate the joy of Easter with an Egg hunt for children ages 2-10!
There is no charge; canned food for the food pantry as an entrance will be welcomed.

Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 24, during both services
One Great Hour of Sharing
Typically received during the Season of Lent, this offering for One Great Hour of Sharing supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, promotes development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and assists in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
In Sunday School, children will be given One Great Hour of Sharing “fish boxes” as a means for charitable monetary collections.

Palm Sunday WJCMS Concert

Festival Music for Choirs, Brass, Organ and Percussion
Sunday, March 24, 7:30 pm

Festival music for choirs, brass, organ and percussion performed by West Jersey Chamber Symphony and Chorale and Adult Choir of First Presbyterian Church. John Rutter’s celebratory Gloria anchors a program of polychoral works from A. Gabrieli, Leisring, and Schutz.

Tickets are $28, $20 for seniors, and children 18 and under are free. Tickets are available at https://wjcms.org/concerts/ and may also be purchased at the door.