Missionwares Store

“This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God” II Cor. 9:12


Watch for Opening Date!

The Missionwares store is temporarily repurposed as the Grace Boutique.
This store provides items not available on SNAP benefits (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Items include diapers, feminine hygiene products, toiletries, cleaning supplies and paper products. Hours are by appointment, scheduled through Linda Jagiela, 856.235.1688.

Our Missionwares Store / Grace Boutique is open with the help of volunteers. To learn more or volunteer, please contact Linda Jagiela at 856.235.1688 to make arrangements.


Shop with intention –

share in the joy!

When we reopen as the Missionwares Store you’ll find this special ministry, an actual “store” located in Millers Commons, is full of handmade items. Merchandise has been purchased directly from free trade merchandisers SERVV and Ten Thousand Villages. These organizations source items in developing countries, giving the artists a fair price for their items. Stop in. Take a look. You just may find the perfect gift you’ve been looking for! 


Alternative Gift Market

Each year before the holidays, we invite our members to take part in a memorable Christmas tradition! Our Alternative Gift Market. By giving gifts to help those in need, you can honor your loved ones, family members, friends and business associates at Christmas with gifts that help struggling families and children in the United States and around the world.
Choose from more than 30 practical Christmas gift ideas in the Alternative Gift listing. Through your efforts, trees are planted, clean drinking water is made available, women have equal rights, the sick are healed, and people can grow food for a sustainable future. Our fellow global citizens need our help, and a community gift market gives them HOPE. Your gift selection is identified inside an attractive Christmas card you send to the person you are honoring. When you add your personal greeting … your shopping is done! What better way to share the inspiration and wonder of Christmas than to give a gift of hope?