We INVITE You to Join Our Lent Study
Following Jesus has long been likened to a spiritual journey. When Jesus invited his first disciples to “follow” him on the “way,” he was simultaneously saying that discipleship to him is a lifelong path. The Practicing the Way Course is just a primer. It’s designed to get you started on the journey of spiritual formation, help you get unstuck if you’ve stalled out, or just guide you into taking your next step. Ultimately, its goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did.
Live Stream
We aspire to be beacons of God’s love and truth, growing together in faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.
Rev. Wes Allen, Associate Pastor and Rev. Stuart Spencer, Pastor and Head of Staff
The Ways of
FPC Moorestown
Creating a Loving Culture
Since January 2019, we’ve thoughtfully studied the Ways each week as we strive to live them together.
Grow the Kingdom
You are Called!
God’s Kingdom encompasses all that God desires to bring and to do on earth through God’s people. The Kingdom of God is the restoration of God’s rule over all things. The Kingdom was central and primary in Jesus’ teaching. When we believe the Gospel, we’re stepping into something far bigger than ourselves.
Watch for this logo on the website and in our publications.
When you see it, you’ll know you have an OPPORTUNITY to Grow the Kingdom.
A New Study
Sabbath: The Gift of Restoration and Realignment
Pastor Spencer INVITES us to learn more and participate in The Sabbath Practice. He has compiled a group of resources to help you along your Sabbath Practice journey. Visit our Resources for Starting a Sabbath Practice page to learn more.
Live Stream Events…
‘Stop at the Stop Signs: Entering God’s Gift of Rest’ CURRENT SERMON SERIES
Past Live Streams
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Deacon Sunday
February 9, both services
The Board of Deacons is empowered by Session and PC(USA) governance to serve the community with compassion as witnesses to “the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress” (G.2.0201).
Through its Local Benevolence Committee, the Deacons provide financial support to local groups that do Christ’s work within their programs but which cannot always openly declare His work as one of their goals due to the fact that they receive funding from federal and/or local governments.
We Offer So Much at FPC Moorestown!
We are a very active congregation, there is always an opportunity for you join in service to the Lord and fellowship.
The purpose of the Capital Fund is to raise the necessary funds for both current and future capital improvement projects. We believe that, by coming together as a congregation, we can ensure the longevity and well-being of our cherished church without encumbering our annual operating budget.
This year we ask that you consider a gift on Capital Sunday February 23, 2025. You may choose to give as a family or individual to a specific project or give to the overall campaign. We would also remind you that this is above and beyond your normal giving commitment to the Church.
Contributions to the capital improvement fund can be made anytime throughout the year and conveniently through the ONLINE GIVING PORTAL or by utilizing special Capital Fund pew envelopes. Your participation in this campaign will make a significant impact on the preservation, safety and enhancement of our church facilities.