Patient God, Patient People

For three weeks in November, Pastors Spencer and Allen preach sermon series called, “Patient God, Patient People.” The virtue of patience is a leading mark of a disciple of Christ. All disciples regularly, daily, receive God’s lavish patience. A study of God’s patience shapes this rare jewel of a virtue in God’s people.

Memory Verse:

Memory Verse: “But you, Timothy, certainly know what I teach, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is. You know my faith, my patience, my love, and my endurance.” (2 Timothy 3: 10)

Joining Us for Sunday Service?


We offer two services on Sunday

  • 8:30 am Traditional service in the Sanctuary
  • 11:00 am Contemporary service in Miller Commons
  • And on 5th Sundays a special Combined Worship service in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am only
We’ll continue offering our live stream for those who can’t come to church or feel safer watching from home.
Our Thursday Prayer and Praise Service is available online only.

Joining us in person? 

Session has approved the following guidelines:
  1. Mask optional for worship. Those who feel more comfortable wearing a mask are welcomed/encouraged to do so.
  2. Congregational singing has resumed.
  3. Food can be served indoors with appropriate precautions to reduce increased contact.



Our Services

Sunday, November 20, 2022

“Farmers, Prophets, and Job”

Scripture James 5:7-11
Rev. Stuart Spencer Preaching
Christ the King Sunday
Sunday, November 13, 2022

“Seeds of the Kingdom”

Scripture Isaiah 55: 6-13, James 5: 7-9
Rev. Dr. Richard Herman, Guest Preacher
Baptism Sunday
Sunday, November 6, 2022

“Supersize Your God”

Scripture Jonah 4:1-11
Rev. Stuart Spencer Preaching
Communion Sunday

Join Us for Sunday School


Lissa Herman leads a 3-week adult class entitled, The Narnian: Joy, Pain, and The Gospel in ‘Fairy Stories.

Themes will include:
  • Week 1, November 6: Joy: How Lewis found it and how we experience it
  • Week 2, November 13: Pain: How Lewis wrote about and lived through it; how we walk with God in it
  • Week 3, November 20: Sometimes ‘Fairy Stories’ say best what needs to be said, what is the context of Narnia and the ‘sanctified imagination’ in living the Gospel
The series will be discussion oriented and draw on a tremendous amount in Lewis’ books, letters, and in his personal life for joy, pain and grief.

Adult Sunday School

ON HIATUS: Discovery Bible Study Class
Will begin again after The Narnian series concludes.
Come join us this week! We meet at 9:45 in Fellowship Hall AB. Everyone is welcome!

Children’s Sunday School

Join Holly Ascuitto and our wonderful teachers on Sunday mornings!
During Sunday School our children learn all about God’s love through teachings, stories and fun activities. It is a blessed time to share!