Small Groups


Explore Our Small Groups!

We have a variety of Small Group topics meeting at various times and in various places.  Visit our Small Group listings and “Explore” – hope  you find the one(s) right for you. If you have more ideas for times and interests of small groups, let us know!



Get Connected and Get Small


There is something about a getting together with a smaller group of Christians where the power and presence of the Spirit really show up.


Lives are changed by God when we can be honest and vulnerable about our faith with each other. 

We encourage you to find a place here to connect with other believers outside of a Sunday morning worship time. We have groups that meet throughout the week to enjoy each others company and grow our faith together. Some are topical studies, others are more focused on personal faith formation, no matter what you need, we are sure there is a place here for you to connect and grow.

Tom and Ann McBride

“Our small group was born from a coffee held at our house during the renewal weekend last Spring. The group provides a time for us to ‘dig deeper’ into the sermons we hear on Sundays and to offer encouragement and prayer support to each other. Sharing our stories of faith is a true blessing…”