“Becoming Peacemakers” featuring Amanda Mootz

Grassroots organizing manager at World Vision. Amanda collaborates with community leaders, pastors and politicians to make the Gospel a tangible reality for people from all walks of life, particularly those who experience inequality in its many forms. Themes include Advent, discipleship and social justice.

Amanda Mootz is the manager of Grassroots Organizing for World Vision, where she developed and manages a program for faith-rooted advocacy to federal lawmakers on issues related to global poverty. Prior to this role, Amanda worked for World Vision International supporting programs to improve global education and literacy rates, as well as the California State Senate, where she held an active role in crafting statewide policy on behalf of the 38th Senate District. She holds graduate degrees in theology and cross cultural studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, and lives with her husband and two sons in Tacoma, Washington.

Kelly LePenske invites viewers to join her and Amanda for the December Webinar of the (Un)simple Truth.



Our faith has been on display in a year that has tested us like none other.

December 2, 2020
Dear Members and Friends of FPC Moorestown,
As we come to the end of 2020, a year that is testing us like none other, let me remind you that following Jesus as a disciple requires making choices for Him. On a daily, even an hourly basis, a follower of Jesus must decide between fear and faith, disbelief and faith, bitterness and faith, despair and faith. Faith requires action. You could say that faith is action.

What is Faith?
What is faith? I’ll take Martin Luther’s definition. “Faith is a living, bold trust in God’s grace.” Luther beautifully expands on what such faith does to us and through us. “[Faith] makes us completely different people. It changes our hearts, our spirits, our thoughts and all our powers. It brings the Holy Spirit with it. Yes, it is a living, creative, active and powerful thing, this faith. Faith cannot help doing good works constantly. It doesn’t stop to ask if good works ought to be done, but before anyone asks, it already has done them and continues to do them without ceasing.”
In many wonderful and encouraging ways, you’ve been a faith-filled people throughout these unprecedented days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Week by week, your faith spurred you to giving generously to keep our doors open and our mission moving ahead. Your faith to this point has granted us the funding needed to keep our staff fully engaged and support our missions. Your faith prompted many of you to go and serve at our second Church Has Left the Building.
Your faith on display
Your faith has been on display in our 2021 stewardship season. At the time of this writing, we have received 180 pledges for a total of $1,441,700. As grateful as I am for the support we have received already from so many of you, these figures represent a decrease of 9% in number of pledges and 10% in total amount pledged compared to 2020. I know that some members have had to reduce their plans for giving next year because of the turmoil brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and a few donors have passed away or relocated since our last stewardship season. As some donors naturally depart or have less resources to share, I urge any of you who are capable and have not yet done so to strengthen your faith and make a new or deeper commitment to share what God has given you.
We’re coming into the last weeks of 2020 and need giving to be as strong as it can be to finish the year without a shortfall and preserve resources for a very challenging 2021. Please act on your faith by continuing your strong financial support to the church. It’s been my hope and a subject of my own praying that we can end this year meeting our financial commitments and join hands to commit to a successful 2021 for FPC Moorestown.
I ask for your help by doing at least these four things as you are able:
  1. Join me in praying daily for God’s provision and guidance for our leaders. I’m devoting Thursdays to prayer and fasting, and I invite you to join me if your health allows.
  2. Keep current with your plans and promises for giving for this year. 
  3. Strongly consider making a special gift to help us meet our 2020 budget if you have the resources to do so.
  4. If you haven’t yet made an Estimate of Giving for 2021 or believe you could now make a further commitment, please do so — online, through our website or by contacting our office to receive an Estimate of Giving card.
Please remember that you can begin giving electronically by going to our church website and clicking on the “Give” link. If you need help please contact the church office at 856.235.1688.
In addition, as plans are being developed for three Christmas Eve services, the Special Christmas Green offering envelope was included in a recent mailing to households. Monies gifted as Christmas Green are utilized to support the operating fund of FPC Moorestown. Thank you in advance for your gifts to the church at this critical time of the year. A self-addressed envelope was also included for your convenience. Offerings may also be submitted electronically or through the Church Center app on your phone.
Faith, the Bible teaches us, pleases God. I give thanks for you and your faithfulness to the work and glory of God!
Yours in Christ,
Stuart H. Spencer, Pastor



Our Deacons continue to help those in need.

Our traditional Thanksgiving Gift Baskets take on a different look this year.

While assembling our traditional Thanksgiving Food Baskets is not currently possible, our team will be providing grocery gift cards to those who struggle and are working with local guidance counselors to identify at-risk families. The Deacons are again arranging with Wegmans to provide turkeys to a food pantry in Camden. 



You Are Invited to Get Ready With Us!


Interactive Advent Family Wreath Lighting

As we celebrate the Advent season we hope you will join us in an interactive family wreath lighting.

You and your family are invited to connect in a new way with our congregation by conducting your own personal wreath lighting with you family at home.

Wreaths can be picked up November 15th or November 22nd before or after services.

Join us during advent season on live stream services beginning November 29th through Christmas Eve, December 24th.



Virtual Ginger Bread House Challenge

Join us for a Virtual Gingerbread House Challenge!

Come to the church and pick up a gingerbread house for you and your family to decorate together!

You can pick up your house on November 15th or November 22nd before or after services.

Take your house home and decorate it with whatever you’d like and take a picture and post it our FPC Family Ministries Facebook Group on November 29th by 4:00 pm to be entered into the judging!

May the Gingerbread be in your favor!

FB Group Link:



The (Un)simple Truth 

FPC’s Adult Spiritual Formation Series Continues

Our monthly Zoom conversation! November’s guests were Dave and Marisa Avramovich
A little about our November 2nd presenters: Dave and Marisa are an incredible ministry team who serve the Southwest Division of Young Life in the United States. Dave is regional director of Young Life-Los Angeles, a highly multicultural role overseeing thousands of students in Southern California. Marisa is a Divisional Training Coordinator for Young Life, a Certified Cultural Intelligence Trainer, and volunteers with Young Life Catholic Relations.
With decades of youth ministry experience, they offer a refreshing perspective on what it means to follow Christ today.



Kingdom Kids, Crossing Zone and Youth Group Fall Plans

Youth Group Plans Spooky Campfire Stories

Small groups have started for Middle and High Schoolers! If you haven’t touched base with a leader, talk to Dave Fauvell and he’ll set you up.

Fall Fun!
We have a campfire hangout scheduled for Saturday, October 24 from 7 – 9 pm, with October 25th as the rain date.

We will have a bunch of candy, warm apple cider, and hot coco as we share spooky campfire stories.


Kingdom Kids and Crossing Zone are Back!

Join us on Zoom
  • Kingdom Kids (K-3rd grade) The first Wednesday of every month at 4:45 pm
  • Crossing Zone (grades 4-6) Every Wednesday at 6:30 pm

    Parents: watch your email for the Zoom links.



Consecration Sunday, October 18th. New changes!

We Give to the Lord

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (NRSV)

Please make plans to virtually attend 9:30 a.m. worship on Sunday, October 18 when we will celebrate the joy of living a generous Christ-centered life. In some ways, our stewardship campaign looks a little different this year and, in some ways, it looks just the same.

How It Will Work
In early October, Estimate of Giving cards will be MAILED to all members so that households may prayerfully (and safely) indicate their weekly, monthly or annual financial commitments to the Lord’s Work. Members may also submit them online. On Consecration Sunday (Oct. 18), we will all be together at home for ONE 9:30 a.m. live stream service, where we will welcome an engaging speaker Dr. Shane Berg from Princeton Theological Seminary. Together, as an act of worship, members will complete their 2021 giving pledge.

Stewardship Series
On September 27, we began our stewardship sermon series “Giving Lessons,”, to provide a biblical framework of God’s Word. Thank you to our Stewardship Speakers:

Sept. 27: Kelly and Lorenzo Eagles
Oct. 4: Frank Manion
Oct. 11: Ann and Tom McBride
Oct. 18: Dr. Shane Berg, Princeton Theological Seminary, Guest Preacher

Dedicating our Gifts
Drive-Up Dedication. As we do traditionally, we offer a meaningful way to dedicate your pledge (COVID style!). From 10:45-noon that morning, take part in a contact-free Drive-Up Dedication Parade where you can dedicate your gifts safely from your car. Members of the Stewardship team will receive your sealed Estimate of Giving envelope given through your car window, and Stuart and Kelly will offer a personal prayer of thanksgiving for each arriving household.


Other Ways to Submit Your Estimate of Giving
If you’re unable to join us for the Drive-Up Dedication, you may submit your Estimate of Giving online, or mail the card in the return envelope that will be provided in the mailing in early October. Watch your mail for additional information!



Our October (Un)simple Truth webinar featured the Reverend Dr. Michael Bruner.
Rev. Bruner was an Assoc. Professor of Practical Theology at Azusa Pacific University in California for 20 years. Born and raised in the Philippines as the son of missionary parents, he received his Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Washington, a Masters of Divinity from Princeton Seminary, and his Ph.D. in Theology from Fuller Seminary.
Michael is the author, most recently, of A Subversive Gospel: Flannery O’Connor and the Reimagining of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth (IVP Academic Press, 2017). He is currently writing a commentary on the four gospels with his father, Dale Bruner. Michael is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA), a Lily Fellow, and a resident scholar at the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA.
You may have missed our first webinar on October 5th or you may like to watch again!
We are pleased to make Rev. Bruner’s dynamic presentation available for you to view.




Every Sunday from 11:00 – 11:45 am come and join us for a family fun outdoor Sunday School class. Classes will start September 27th and continue until October 18th.

This is for families with children in K-6th grades. Children must be accompanied by a parent the entire time. Please bring your own chair or blanket to sit on and wear a mask. Please bring your own chair or blanket to sit on as well as masks for you and your family.



We Give to the Lord

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  2 Corinthians 9:7 (NRSV)
Please make plans to virtually attend 9:30 a.m. worship on Sunday, October 18 when we will celebrate the joy of living a generous Christ-centered life. In some ways, our stewardship campaign looks a little different this year and, in some ways, it looks just the same.
How It Will Work
In early October, Estimate of Giving cards will be MAILED to all members so that households may prayerfully (and safely) indicate their weekly, monthly or annual financial commitments to the Lord’s Work. Members may also submit them online. On Consecration Sunday (Oct. 18), we will all be together at home for ONE 9:30 a.m. live stream service, where we will welcome an engaging speaker Dr. Shane Berg from Princeton Theological Seminary. Together, as an act of worship, members will complete their 2021 giving pledge.
Stewardship Series
On September 27, we begin our stewardship sermon series “Giving Lessons,”, to provide a biblical framework of God’s Word. Thank you to our Stewardship
Sept. 27: Kelly and Lorenzo Eagles
Oct. 4: Frank Manion
Oct. 11: Ann and Tom McBride
Oct. 18: Dr. Shane Berg, Princeton Theological Seminary, Guest Preacher

Dedicating our Gifts
As we do traditionally, we offer a meaningful way to dedicate your pledge (COVID style!). From 10:45-12:00 p.m. that morning, take part in a contact-free Drive-Up Dedication Parade where you can dedicate your gifts safely from your car. Members of the Stewardship team will receive your sealed Estimate of Giving envelope given through your car window, and Stuart and Kelly will offer a personal prayer of thanksgiving for each arriving household.
If you’re unable to join us for the Drive-Up Dedication, you may submit your Estimate of Giving online, or mail the card in the return envelope that will be provided in the mailing in early October. Watch your mail for additional information!
If you have any questions, please contact the church office at (856) 235-1688.



FPC Moorestown gives $165,000 for COVID-19 Relief

Over the past month, our missionaries, locally and from across the globe, have reached out to FPC Moorestown for assistance due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Last year, funds were made available to us under the generous legacy of Joan Van Camp. The Mission Committee will be sending funding over the next four months to our missionaries who are reporting tragic circumstances of food insecurity, lack of education, beatings, and extreme poverty.

The Mission Committee, with the approval of the trustees and session, have agreed to send $165,000 in assistance to those deemed most in need. Assistance will occur in three stages with the hardest hit receiving funds first. Prior to sending the final payments, the trustees will evaluate the situation with the church to ensure that we can sustain the additional payments.

The following ministries will receive funding:
  • Moorestown Ministerium/Live Civilly Food Pantry
  • Food Bank of South Jersey
  • Urban Promise Camden Forward Schools
  • St. Vincent de Paul of Moorestown
  • The Philadelphia Project
  • Christian Caring Center
  • Feeding 5000
  • Seeds of Hope


  • Urban Promise International Honduras
  • Antioch Partners Mexico (Weymeyers)
  • Haiti Outreach Ministries
  • Hope Alive Clinic Haiti
  • Urban Mosaic Mexico
  • Medical Benevolence Foundation St. Croix Hospital Haiti
  • Medical Benevolence Foundation Good Sheppard Hospital Congo
  • Medical Benevolence Foundation Embanweni Hospital Malawi
  • Nadia Ayoub (Greece) PCUSA
  • SNEHA India
  • Glad Tiding India
  • Hekima Place Kenya
  • Urban Promise International Africa Ministries